Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Missed School, and I Still Can't Get To Sleep On Time! Looking for Help Please Comment.

Yeah, I know that is a really long title, but this is really starting to bug me. I am definately going to do some more research on polyphasic sleep. I believe the most important thing for me to do right now is to be able to get to school.

I need some help figuring this out. Right now I am planning on pulling an all nighter, then going to school until like 5:30, and I don't think that is a good idea. I have times that I can take naps, but I just don't know.

Also, there is the social part of going back to classes that I have missed for a long time. It always feels awkward to me, going back from a long absence.

Now if anybody has had similar situations, or can just offer some advice I would love to hear it. I will reciprocate all comments as soon as I can.

Can't sleep!

This keeps happening to me. I am lying awake in bed and I just can't seem to get to sleep. I have been having stomach issues and been unable to make it to my early classes. It's killing my grades and my confidence and I need to make it stop.

So, of course, after trying several things I am going to try sleeping polyphasic again. I did set up a blog for it previously and will have to look that up again.

In theory this should help me, as the easiest way for me to fall asleep is to be exhausted.

Thanks for reading as always.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Messing up again. (I'm back)

It always seems like I leave this blog for a while, then I come back when I am really having troubles again. That's really the point, but I also notice no one has been visiting for a while (gotta get back to entrecard.) Right now I am out of a job again, but am going to school. Couple problems with that.

-First, I need money to pay for school. (About 2500 dollars)

-Second, I am starting to screw myself up again and miss to much class. I have already missed a test and need to make some sort of deal with the professor.

-Third, I got an iphone, and instead of helping me, it has been distracting me more than anything.

Well, any advice anyone has would be great, I will probably come up with some links to help others, as well as myself. Also I need to start making goals. Like I said before, I have an iphone, and therefore will be able to make better updates. I am also thinking of getting a twitter page.

Friday, May 29, 2009

It's been awhile!

Wow, I don't even know what to say. Life has been so awesome lately. I have been sick this past week but still gone and hung out with a bunch of people. Work is so great and I have just been happy. It is shaping up to be the best summer of my life, and it's only May. I have kicked my worse habit, I'm working in the sun, and I've never felt better.

So that is basically my rant about how good life is. I haven't been using the computer really at all, and I think that has something to do with it. There is such a dependence on technology nowadays, and we could all do better with a little bit of sunshine instead.

It has been such an intense week, that today, I came home from work and took a nap. But I have decided one thing. That is, that every day will be better than the day before. I have made a commitment to do that, and so far it is working.

Friday, April 24, 2009


Well, it's Friday, and I hate to post, just to post, but I am trying to start posting everyday. I am tired from work, and am getting ready to head out and cash a check, then go hang out with some friends. Life is good, but everyone says that on Friday! Anyways, time to get going.

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Getting Organized!

I think one step I really need to take right now is to get myself organized and my room in order. That way I have somewhere to work other than on the computer. So what I am looking for now is any suggestions about getting organized!

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Thanks for the comments. But...

I really appreciate all of the comments that have been coming in. But I don't think people really understand what I am trying to do with this blog. The real purpose behind this blog is to get me out of my Comfort Zone. Also, I hope people can learn from some of my experiences. I am an indecisive guy, but that is not the problem. For the most part I am still doing what I really want to do, but I have so many things I want to do, I need a little help sometimes. But I know that, when it comes down to it, everything is really my decision.

Ok, now that that is out of the way, here is a little update. I have been enjoying work, but working 8 hours a day doesn't always lend itself to blogging. I haven't been able to practice drums at all, but I have been picking up the guitar every day. That's pretty much it, thank you so much for reading.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I will play Drums!

Ok, there was a tie between Piano and Drums, so it is my decision, and I am going to start really learning how to play the drums. Right now I just have an electric set, but it works pretty good, and I have a friend who has a pretty nice set. I plan to practice about 30 minutes a day to start with. It's not a lot of time, but I will probably up it to an hour in a while. With starting my new job I don't have as much time as I used to.

Thanks to everybody who voted. Now I really need some suggestions, like websites about playing the drums, or even songs to learn to start with.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

I got a JOB!

I will be starting work at the Parks Department (at the city) on Monday. I am really excited to be working again and really loved the job before. Definately my favorite job I've ever had.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Lack of Money, and I'm SICK (and vote!-->)

Ok, I'm sure this sounds like kind of a complainer post, and it kind of is, but hear me out. Right now I have been a little depressed. I don't really feel like I have accomplished much this week, I am currently coming down with something (Heck, I might post some cold remedy's tomorrow), and I have some debt and very little money left. I know things will get better, just not sure when. I am currently thinking of ways to make money, like selling some of my things on craigslist or ebay.

I would like to thank everybody who has read, and especially those who have commented. Any suggestions about making a few extra bucks until I get a job going would be great.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Musical Instrument! (Please Vote)

Ok, first I would like to thank everybody who voted in the previous vote, and I am sure I will love my city job. But my next question is a little different. I have always been a musician, but I have trouble deciding what instrument I like best, or would do best with. Here is the list:


I will still play around with most of these, but I want you guys to vote for something that I will really dedicate myself to, and see how it goes.

As always, thanks so much for reading, and please vote quickly. This vote will run a little longer than the previous one.

Monday, March 30, 2009

City Job!

Well according to the votes, I will be trying to get a city job this summer. To be honest I was pulling for it, and I feel I will be happiest doing it. I will update everybody when I get it.


I haven't been able to post for a while because I was with my friend's family in Vegas. His dad does offroading and we basically had a blast.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Facebook Chat (A little drama)

Wow, if anyone has seen this as a blank post, I apologize, I did not realize I had posted it. But the point of the post was about a girl. There is this girl that I used to work with when I was 17. I practically fell for her, but didn't really do anything about it because she was a little young for me. There were good indicators that she liked me too. Well, I no longer think she is too young for me, but I recently was on facebook, and had added her, and she was on the chat. So I talked to her, the conversation was short, but I am wondering to myself if that was a mistake. Any way, I would love to go out with this girl, she is not my only choice but right now I think the best one. Facebook is the only way of communicating with her. Also, she may have a boyfriend right now, so I was going to try to talk to her and approach her as a "friend." Anyway, that is the end of my rambling on this. I just had to put it out there. Also, any suggestions or comments would be great.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Offroad Trip

Sorry there hasn't been a post for a couple of days, I went off on an offroading trip with some of my friends. It was a lot of fun, and it also gives some time to think about life, when you are away from the city. I had some fun, decided some things, and got to know a friend of a friend a lot better.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

FedEx Interview

Wow, I feel like I have bombed my interview at FedEx. It's a good thing that it is just a formality, and they will hire anybody, but it did not go well. Also, I will only be able to work about 2 hours a day at FedEx, with possible overtime, but that is still no enough. Now the question is what else do I do? I can do several things.

Detail Cars: I have the application, it's just a matter of filling it out and getting the job. Apparently they are going to have several applicants.

City Job: I have a contact at the city and one of the managers will likely take me back if I want to work there again.

Guitar Shop: This seems to be a job in demand, but it will be fun and give me time to practice.

Anything Else...

Please vote for what you believe I should do.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Until I Get More Traffic...

I am working on getting a little more traffic to this blog, because the more participation, the more fun this will be. Until then I will come up with suggestions from other places, such as articles and forums, and post them.

Job Search

I have found several opportunities to work and I am probably going to take two of them. I applied to work at FedEx Ground, where I have worked previously, and I will likely also detail cars, a job my friend hooked me up with. I will keep you guys updated, and I will still take some suggestions.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Polyphasic Sleep

In an effort to improve myself, I'm also going to start Polyphasic Sleep. Please check out my blog on that subject here. It will give me more time in the day, so that should help me along.

Monday, March 9, 2009

A job?

Ok, the first thing I need to fix is a job.

Some of my ideas are:
Local Guitar Store
Fast Food Places
Auto Shops
Clothing Stores

Now I need everybody to add ideas to this.

Thanks! And please come back to vote, when I get that set up.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

What is this about?

The reason I have created this blog, is I am having a difficult time right now. I am 19 years old, 5'6", 144 lbs, I don't have a job, so I'm broke, I don't have a girlfriend, not dating regularly either, I do the same thing all the time, lately(video games), the truck I drive is ugly and beat up, and I just need a kick in the butt. I am in alright shape, but not as good as I'd like.

This is not a complaint, so much as a statement of what's going on. I would be fine doing what I'm doing for the rest of my life, but I am trying to change for the better.

So my proposal is this...anyone who reads this blog, is going to help me change my life. This is kind of like an experiment. It will go like this:

1. I post about a general, or specific, problem that I am having.
2. Everybody makes comments, suggestions, etc.
3. I take the suggestions, put them in a list, and then you vote on them.
4. I put that advice into effect, no matter how crazy it is, unless it crosses moral, or legal boundaries.
5. I report back with the good or bad news.

That is basically the idea. I'd like to remain somewhat anonymous, but I may post certain pictures. The main idea with this is to help get me out of my comfort zone, by trying things that are suggested. I haven't done the best with my life, so let's see what you guys can do!

Also, any comments or suggestions you have about my blog, or the idea in general please comment.