Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Missed School, and I Still Can't Get To Sleep On Time! Looking for Help Please Comment.

Yeah, I know that is a really long title, but this is really starting to bug me. I am definately going to do some more research on polyphasic sleep. I believe the most important thing for me to do right now is to be able to get to school.

I need some help figuring this out. Right now I am planning on pulling an all nighter, then going to school until like 5:30, and I don't think that is a good idea. I have times that I can take naps, but I just don't know.

Also, there is the social part of going back to classes that I have missed for a long time. It always feels awkward to me, going back from a long absence.

Now if anybody has had similar situations, or can just offer some advice I would love to hear it. I will reciprocate all comments as soon as I can.

Can't sleep!

This keeps happening to me. I am lying awake in bed and I just can't seem to get to sleep. I have been having stomach issues and been unable to make it to my early classes. It's killing my grades and my confidence and I need to make it stop.

So, of course, after trying several things I am going to try sleeping polyphasic again. I did set up a blog for it previously and will have to look that up again.

In theory this should help me, as the easiest way for me to fall asleep is to be exhausted.

Thanks for reading as always.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Messing up again. (I'm back)

It always seems like I leave this blog for a while, then I come back when I am really having troubles again. That's really the point, but I also notice no one has been visiting for a while (gotta get back to entrecard.) Right now I am out of a job again, but am going to school. Couple problems with that.

-First, I need money to pay for school. (About 2500 dollars)

-Second, I am starting to screw myself up again and miss to much class. I have already missed a test and need to make some sort of deal with the professor.

-Third, I got an iphone, and instead of helping me, it has been distracting me more than anything.

Well, any advice anyone has would be great, I will probably come up with some links to help others, as well as myself. Also I need to start making goals. Like I said before, I have an iphone, and therefore will be able to make better updates. I am also thinking of getting a twitter page.